DarkWallet & the next generation of uncensored markets
What doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger. The early attempts at shutting down centralised file sharing services ended up spawning stronger technology. Like a hydra, those of us in the community that push for individual empowerment are in an arms race to equip the people…
What doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger. The early attempts at shutting down centralised file sharing services ended up spawning stronger technology. Like a hydra, those of us in the community that push for individual empowerment are in an arms race to equip the people with the tools needed for the next generation of digital black markets. We will take a tour of various technological components; some old, some new that we can use to piece together the next generation of resilient uncensored markets. We will also wander into bigger questions about the role of technology, and efforts under way to carve out spaces of the future where we can survive, and thrive as freedom loving people. Technology is power, and a new front has opened in the struggle for freedom. These tools are for resource management, digital governance and new finance. Technology is not, and never will be neutral. Software is art. Tuesday 7pm. Potluck – bring some food, take some food. Open doors event (bring your friends). Big wooden doors, at the corner of Prince of Wales Rd, and Kentish Town Rd.
* Birgitta Jonsdottir (www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Birgitta_J%C3%B3nsd%C3%B3ttir) (Icelandic politician, Wikileaks) – 3pm to 6pm
* Smari McCarthy (www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sm%C3%A1ri_McCarthy) (Iceland PirateParty, MailPile, cryptographer, free software/internet activist)
* Vinaj Gupta (www.vinay.howtolivewiki.com/blog/about) (creator of Hexayurt (www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hexayurt))
* Amir Taaki
* Tomer (iamsatoshi.com)
* David Stark (admin)
* Svein Valfells (www.coindesk.com/why-iceland-should-use-bitcoin-as-its-national-currency-btclondon/)
* Michael Parsons (ex-banker and charter accountant)
* Hakim Mamoni (Bitcoin Entrepreneur, dealco.in)
* Mevan Babakar (BiteTheBallot)
This will be a great opportunity to gather a round table on the topic of creating a Bitcoin haven in Iceland.
Birgitta (chair for IMMI(www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Modern_Media_Institute )), Smari and Sveinn are from Iceland. Michael Parsons has experience on tax havens and has made progress pursuing this angle for Bitcoin for some time now.
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